Integrity and Responsibility
Werner & Mertz is successful because we adhere to the highest standards of sustainability and thus earn our consumers’ trust in our products and brands. For you and your employees who prove our sustainability claims day after day we bear a very special responsibility.
We deepen our trusting relationships by conducting our business in accordance with generally applicable ethical values and principles. Integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity and responsible handling of our ecological resources are at the core of our business activities.
Of course we place great value on cooperative, trusting and respectful relations with our business partners. We are committed to integral sustainability and expect genuine engagement in the cause from those with whom we do business. Our Supplier Code of Conduct for our business partners helps us to anchor our high sustainability standards in our business relationships. This is one way Werner & Mertz involves the entire value chain in realizing its vision of making a sustainable lifestyle possible for the majority.
Supplier Code of Conduct
With the Supplier Code of Conduct, Werner & Mertz ensures that we maintain an ongoing dialog with business partners as we work together to communicate and promote our high sustainability standards and identify possible ambivalence. We also strive to recognize early any potential risks that arise from our business relationships and act promptly to eliminate them.
The Supplier Code of Conduct deals with principles that are firmly anchored by our core value “sustainability”. They include respect for human rights, providing socially acceptable working conditions, ethical behavior in business life and implementation of environmental standards. We get our orientation from the following conventions and standards:
- Principles of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact
- Guidelines for multi-national companies in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- International Labour Organization (ILO) agreements
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Business Charter for Sustainable Development
- SA8000® Standard on Corporate Social Responsibility (Social Accountability International)
Integrated Management System
An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a merger of separate management systems (e.g., Quality Management, Environmental Management, Energy Management) into an integrated all-in-one solution. Our practiced IMS helps the Werner & Mertz Group to implement requirements from norms and standards in a systematic and uniform way.
In internal and external audits we put our organization and our processes to the test at regular intervals and diligently work on the continuous improvement of our Environmental, Energy and Quality Management systems. For many years we have received certification in accordance with the following norms and standards:
- ISO 14001
- ISO 50001
- ISO 9001
- IFS Broker